my dad had a fall at home and this what the out come was bless my dad
Created by senita 14 years ago
my dad onley had weeks to live on august 19th 2010 he had a fall at home and lost the feel in his legs my dad didnt speak very good english or understand it very well he would of not had a clue what a doctor was saying to him well my dad managed to call for a ambulance he was taken to the jr hospital in oxford there he went under alot of tests he had a ct scan and there they found that my dad had lung cancer the cancer had spreded to his spine when my dad fell at home the toumer on his spine crushed his spine cord my dad was never able to walk the doctors said my poor dad will be bedpounded my dad didnt know he onley had a short time left no one wanted him to know cause we thought dad would give up soon as he knew my dad sayed in hospital for 2 weeks and then he was in sobell house for 1 week my dad started geting relley bad the pain he was in was so bad so we asked if they will top up my dads pain relive for 2 days my dad sleept and then on the 14th of sep 2010 at 5.00pm my dad took 3 breaths and died with all his family around him soon as dad left us there was 2 big bright rainbows one behinde the other its put my heart at rest i know now dads gone though the gates of heaven i miss him so much i think about you and wonder if youve found rishi yet come and let me know some how love you dad rip.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx